Name: Xercses
Class/ Level/ Race: Druid/80/Tauren
Specialization/Talent Tree: 11/0/60 (restoration)
Gear(Armory link):
Professions&Secondary Skills: Skinning/LW, First Aid
Keys: :O no keys...
Experience: Done quite alot of naxx, Done VoA, Done OS. Alot of BC raids aswell
What days & times are you able to raid? : I'm at school in my GCSE year so at the moment i can raid on weekends but in holidays i can raid almost everyday. Depends on what my parents say.
Few words about you: I'm 16, love wow. I just did a timed run with 4 of you, and it seems as though you know what you're doing hehe. So i am applying to the guild beause i would like to raid more.